Zoom for outlook plugin download
Zoom for outlook plugin download

zoom for outlook plugin download

Installer -allowUntrusted -pkg "$pkgFILE" -target / InstalledVERSION=$(defaults read /Applications/ZoomOutlookPlugin/ CFBundleShortVersionString)Įcho "Installed verison: $installedVERSION"Įcho "Beginning installation for latest version" PkgFILE="/private/tmp/ZoomMacOutlookPlugin.pkg" # What CURL will name the installer PKG instead of versioning so theres less variables UserAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh Intel Mac OS X $' | cut -d' ' -f2)Įcho "Formatted Latest version: $(echo $latestVERSION | sed 's/.*$//'))" # Set the User Agent string for use with curl OSvers_URL=$( sw_vers -productVersion | sed 's//_/g' ) # Get OS version and adjust for use with the URL string Logfile="/Library/Logs/ZoomInstallScript.log" # CHECK TO SEE IF A VALUE WAS PASSED IN PARAMETER 1 AND, IF SO, ASSIGN TO "lang" # (Adapted from the script by Joe Farage, ) # - Installs or updates Zoom is there any way to incorporate that in to this script? #!/bin/sh I have found this great script that does install and update for zoom client, but it doesn't do anything for outlook plug in.

Zoom for outlook plugin download