Apache ant 1.8.1
Apache ant 1.8.1

apache ant 1.8.1 apache ant 1.8.1 apache ant 1.8.1

DartifactsDir=F:\quickbuild-data\storage\HD03\builds\19 "-Dexe4jBaseDir=D:/Program Files/exe4j" -v -buildfile F:\quickbuild-data\workspaces\HD03\build\build_hd03_new.xml BUILD_TESTING_RELEASE -logger. Will command parsing work with switches inside double quotes? "Command working directory: 16:30:19,126 DEBUG - Command working directory: F:\quickbuild-data\workspaces\HD03\build "Command environments": 16:30:19,126 DEBUG - Command environments: ProgramData=C:\ProgramData USERPROFILE=C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile PATHEXT=.COM. With DEBUG level logging, the "Executing command" is 16:30:19,126 DEBUG - Executing command: D:\apache-ant-1.8.1\bin\ant.bat "-DbuildDate=Fri Jun 25 16:30:" -DbuildVersion=1. 1 decade ago Upgraded as instructed and performed a build which exhibits the same basic problem: 16:30:19,250 ERROR - The specified logger class. could not be used because Class. could not be loaded because of an invalid dependency.

Apache ant 1.8.1